Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Savory Beverages

Sure, we all love sweet beverages. The world is full of them, milkshakes, delicious fruit juices, various nectar, and soda (Of which Dr. Pepper is my preferred choice). However, most of the western world ignores a wonderful beverage possibility. I speak now of savory beverages.

Think about. Most of us sane people love meat and salty foods. And yet, we only eat them in solid form. That's just crazy! Solid foods take way too long to consume. Imagine how much time we could save and how much pleasure we could enjoy if we embraced savory beverages!

Here are two of my top choices for a savory drink:

1. Gravy

To me, nothing sounds better than waking up in the morning to a nicehot cup of gravy. It has everything you need to start the day. Protein, fat, and delicious meat drippings. Coffee can't even compete!

2. Pizza Smoothies

Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the country. And yet, we all waste valuable time chewing the doughy delight. A flavor sensation like pizza would greatly benefit from the speed that a beverage offers. Instead of waiting a few seconds to chew your pizza, you can just drink it. BAM! Suddenly your mouth is filled with the awesome taste of garlic, tomato, cheese, and possibly meat. It just makes sense.

I hope this has opened your eyes to the magical word of savory beverages. Perhaps in the future I will post new "Recipes."


Anonymous said...

You do know that there actually Is a Gravy Soda right?

Not very good. But it exists.

And now my left over gravy is my breakfast drink of choice!

Thinks Mark!

Mark said...

I am aware of gravy FLAVORED soda. While it is a step in the right direction, I believe that actual gravy is a far superior choice.